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Eco Friendly Hemp Jeans Apparel with Great Properties

Wednesday, May 20 2009 @ 03:36 PM ICT

Contributed by: news

Fabrics & MaterialsSo, what makes Hemp Jeans so eco friendly? According to the North American Industrial Hemp Council, hemp fibers are stronger, more absorbent and more mildew-resistant than cotton. Naturally resistant to most pests and out-competing weeds, it typically doesn’t require pesticides or herbicides to grow.

One of hemp’s greatest properties is that it’s naturally bacteria resistant. That means it resists bacteria that creates odors. Hemp clothes can be worn many days without developing odors. This has the added benefit of reducing washing and water consumption. Reducing washing also means clothes last longer due to less wear from washing.

How does hemp clothing promote healthy lifestyles or fair for people with sensitive skin, allergies or multiple chemical sensitivities (mcs)? according to our expert, “They are great choices! Hemp, as well as bamboo and organic cotton, are non-irritating to the skin due to the absence of the chemicals used in many conventionally produced clothing.” Also, there’s no fear of skin absorbing cancer causing toxins while wearing clothes since the farming and manufacturing processes are also eco friendly.

When asked about how consumers can be certain their purchases are really supporting healthy lifestyles and a healthy planet, Our expert responded, “We only carry organic and eco friendly items, we’ve done the green screening so others don’t have to, ensuring our products meet high standards of environmental sensitivity and also beneficial health properties.” Yes It’s Organic’s sustainability policies and definitions can be found in the Certifications Expectations section of the store.

Several people in the business have made it there mission, through Yes It’s Organic, to encourage awareness about organic and eco friendly everyday items. He has written several articles discussing the benefits of choosing organic over non organic, the positive properties of non traditional fibers like sustainable bamboo and hemp, and several other topics related to the textile industry.

Yes It’s Organic is satisfying the demand for eco friendly gifts, too. The store has seen a significant jump in customers and visitors to the store through May and expects to see more during the rush before the big Dad Holiday. one retailer reports that Hemp Jeans and the Men’s Organic Cotton Yoga Strength Pant are among the top sellers this season. The spokes person of this retailer also anticipates a growing interest in the newer additions of hemp, bamboo and organic cotton styles for men.