General News

2011 Spring Collections are Out

Tuesday, January 04 2011 @ 08:15 AM ICT

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Jeans StylesThe fashion gods have declared what will be hot for 2011. And it is a retro flashback. Wow.

Not just any flashback: the ’70s.

Several years ago, it was the ’70s, with the boho chic take-over. Then the ’80s, with bright colors, skinny jeans, pattern tights and baggy off-the-shoulder tees. Then last year it was the ’90s, with flannel and Docs. Completely out of ideas for something original, fashion designers — apparently too busy Facebook-stalking ex-lovers and reading tabloids — decided, “Meh, what the hey, let’s do ’70s again. It’s easy. And we certainly can’t keep the styles stable for more than a few months. It could completely derail the need to go shopping and consume.”

As you can see from the picture of a well known jeans manufacturers spring 2011 collection, this is the year of wide-leg trousers, below-the-knee dresses, off-the-shoulder peasant tops and other totally overdone and boring variations of the 1970s that every single Boulder hippie already wears daily.

Finally, Boulder is ahead of the looking-back curve. That’s some “Back to the Future”-style wormhole stuff right there.